IPA Technical committee visits to KiTEC Plant
- Uniform Plumbing Code – India (UPC – I), a document of current global standards covering all the aspects of design and installation of modern plumbing systems. UPC – I, first edition published in February, 2008 was updated and a more comprehensive revised version was published in November, 2011 and in November 2014 the same was published with revision and with illustrations.
- Green Plumbing Code Supplement – India (GPCS – I) in 2010.
- Uniform Swimming Pool Code– India (USPC – I) in February 2011, a first for India.
- Water Efficient Products – India (WEP – I) in 2011.
- Uniform Solar Energy Code – India (USEC – I) in 2012.
1. | Mr. Sudhakaran Nair, Chairman – World Plumbing Council & President – Indian Plumbing Association. |
2. | Mr. B. S. A. Narayan Vice President Indian Plumbing Association & Chairman – IPA Technical Committee |
3. | Mr. John Joseph Jt. Secretary Indian Plumbing Association & Member – IPA Technical Committee |
4. | Mr. M.K. Gupta Chairman Indian Plumbing Association Delhi Chapter & Member – IPA Technical Committee |
5. | Mr. P. Ramachandran Chairman Indian Plumbing Association Cochin Chapter & Member – IPA Technical Committee |
6. | Mr. Sunil Kumar Duggal Member – IPA National Executive Committee and IPA Technical committee |
7. | Mr. Subhash Deshpande Member – IPA Technical committee |
We requested the President to have one evening for one – to –one interactive seminars with the prominent Silvassa Builders to promote the importance of plumbing which he agreed. The said meet was organized on 23rd evening wherein following were present:
- 1. Mr. Amit Agrawal – Park City Developers
- 2. Mr. Sumit Agrawal – Park City Developers
- 3. Mr. Ajit Bhai – Prashant Developers
- 4. Mr Dinesh Bhai – Datta Developers
- 5. Mr. Dhruv Parmar – Just Exotica Developers
- 6. Mr. Nirmal Jain – Silvassa Estates Pvt Ltd.
- 7. Mr. Raju Maniyar – Architect, Mumbai
Though the interaction started late but it was very interesting meet of more than one and half hour. Some photos are enclosed herewith for information.
We also took the opportunity to invite Mr. Sudhakaran Nair along with all the Technical Committee members to our factory which they readily accepted.
The visit was very interesting and all the members took immense interest in the manufacturing operations as well as Quality Control Facility. They also planted trees in the factory.
I am enclosing the extracts of their comments in the visitors’ book after the visit as well as some photographs.