KiTEC R & D Unit Recognition
About the Certification:
The Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR), Government of
India, issued the Certificate of Registration on TU/IV-R&D/4138/2016 w. e.
f. 21 March 2017 recognizing KiTEC R & D arm as “In House R & D Unit”.
The certificate is valid from 21 March 2017 to 31 March 2019 meaning three
financial years. The Department of
Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR) is a part of the Ministry of Science
and Technology, which was announced through a Presidential Notification, dated
January 4, 1985. It has a mandate to carry out the activities relating to
indigenous technology promotion, development, utilization and transfer.
Benefit to Stakeholders:
Innovation is a continuous process and a major growth driver for KiTEC since
inception. With this recognition our “Customers” will be more inclined to put
their faith is us as we would be able to provide them solutions. This will also
improve our acceptance in Government purchases.
The pride created as Strong players in the
field of Composite Piping system will make our “Employees” and “Marketing
Associates” happy and “Suppliers” reassured.
to KiTEC: A Certified Research Institution gives a number of advantages to
the Company. Primarily, it is a shot in the arm for continuous innovation
efforts. However, the recognition also enables the Company to avail of a number
of fiscal incentives, the primary one being the ability to claim Weighted
Deduction of the company’s total R&D expenditure subject to approval from
Income tax department. Excise & Custom Duty Exemptions for the products patented by the company as
per Govt. Notification No24 /2007 & 16 /2007 with the right terms &
Conditions. The Company is in the process of filing various Product Patents.
This journey of innovation will continue with the new “In House R & C
Centre” status to the companies R&D laboratory.
KiTEC’s Efforts to reach this Milestone: KiTEC’s R & D team is active right from the inception as the
new concept of piping needed new jointing concepts. Since then the company has
been constantly on its toes to improve the jointing techniques and increase the
size range as well incorporate new polymers and metals in composite pipe.
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