Monday, 3 October 2016

Grundfos India’s Green Building

Grundfos Pumps India Pvt.Ltd. (Grundfos India) is a 100% subsidiary of Grundfos – Denmark. Grundfos is a global leader in advanced pump solutions and a trendsetter in water technology. The company contributes to global sustainability by pioneering technologies that improve quality of life for people and care for the planet. Grundfos is also one of the world’s leading pump manufacturers with an annual production of more than 16 million pump units. The company’s main products include circulator pumps for heating and air-conditioning as well as other centrifugal pumps for the industry, water supply, sewage and dosing. Grundfos India started its Indian operations in the year 1998.

Grundfos India also has an impressive range of technologically advanced pump solutions for Smart Cities. With increase in demand and limited resources, intelligent and innovative range of pump solutions such as Demand Driven Distribution (DDD), S Pump and Grundfos Remote Management (GRM) precisely provide the right solution by ensuring minimum utilization of energy and water, while delivering optimal results.

Grundfos India strongly believes in enhancing its sustainability profile by offering cutting-edge green solutions, which will contribute to meet a number of global challenges in terms of climate change and water stress. Aligning to its global sustainability focus, Grundfos India is committed towards helping its customers and the nation to conserve water and energy. The company will through all its actions, focus on how it can co-create value with its stakeholders by being a responsible partner for a cleaner and greener planet.

Inaugurated in March 2005, Grundfos India’s headquarters holds the distinction of being the first gold-rated green building in India under LEED certification by USGBC. This was later elevated to LEED EB Platinum Certification by the Green Building Certification institute in 2013. This Platinum certification was based on key parameters such as the facility’s sustainability features, water efficiency, resource management and indoor environmental quality. Some of the notable features of this facility includes – high energy efficiency levels with 100% recycling of the sewage, rain water harvesting and photovoltaics.

In 2014, the company installed a rooftop solar power plant with a total of 216 solar photo voltaic panels (EMMVEE), each of 240 Wp capacity. The installations has helped with an estimated annual power generation of 78000 kWh saving INR 13 lakhs annually. This also results in the reduction of diesel consumption by 25000 litres annually and reduction of 70 tons of CO2 per year.

  Key highlights of Grundfos India’s green office:
·         The company has implemented various key policies such as the Sustainable Purchasing Policy, Solid Waste Management Policy and Green Cleaning Policy
·         The entire potable water usage for the facility has been reduced to 55.68% below the LEED-EBOM baseline by using efficient indoor plumbing fixtures and fittings
·         Around 52.5% of rainfall has been mitigated through storm water management strategies
·         The building had an EPA ENERGY STAR score of 95 at the conclusion of the performance period
·         An on-going commissioning program has been implemented that includes elements of planning, system testing, performance verification, corrective action response, on-going measurement, and documentation to proactively address operating problems.
·         The entire project complies with the minimum requirements of ASHRAE Standard 62.1 -2007 of Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality, using the Ventilation Rate Procedure​
·         The key value for Grundfos India is sustainability, installing the rooftop solar power plant was to reduce the amount of diesel that is used for power generation. It is one such contribution by the company that helps create a greener and a cleaner environment.
To know more about Grundfos India, please visit the company’s website:

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