Thursday, 30 November 2017

Locked Out - The tale of the Dindigul Lock Makers

Cops and robbers make interesting stories. The more fascinating ones are locks and thieves especially when this lock has a hundred year old history. Dindigul’s unique industry is today locked away in the past where the flourishing industry with more than 250 units in its heyday has now dwindled down to just seven.

The locks have fascinating names and each lock has a special characteristic that is a story in itself. If the saavipudi poottu is opened with the wrong key the lock will get jammed and the lock would be rendered useless putting the thief and the owner in despair. 

The last generation of Dindigul’s lock makers seems to be locked into gloominess. The reason aptly summed up by Mr. Gani who earns Rs300 to Rs350 a day. He laments “Wages are better in the construction industry but I cannot move out of lock-making.” 
Learn more about these fascinating artisans:

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